
Ordinary Humans...

After all my crazy drawings of robots and ninjas and such I decided to make a post to kind of balance things out. These are designs of characters who control some of the robots.

Here are two designs of Felix, the controller of Elyon, a robot I didn't post yet. The game was supposed to take place in a school and the character was supposed to be nerdy. My first design is to the left, but then after some revisions, I changed it to the one on the right, the final design.

This here is Simon, he's the controller of Star. Simon is a crazy kid with an out of control personality and films everything he sees to be a part of his home-made films of action packed adventure! I'm currently working on a redesign.

Every hyper-active crazy person needs a partner in crime. But, Mel is the complete opposite of Simon. She is very timid, quiet and shy and doesn't own her own robot. However she can turn into a cat if that makes up for it.. anyway the design to the left was my first attempt at her and I thought it was showing too much so I redesigned her to what I thought fit her personality more. So, the one to the right is the newest design and possibly the final one until inking and coloring.

This is Vanessa, the popular chick. She is a villain in the fighting game and uses another flashy robot fighter which I hate to say I didn't design yet.

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