
New books

So, I've been busy for a while. Which is why I haven't been posting in a while but I feel it's time I posted something.

I went to the bookstore the other day and picked up some interesting books that I feel has good comic artwork.

First one is Vampi: Switchblade Kiss. The art is by Kevin Lau and I like the style, I feel it hasn't been done in many comics so it feels unique, also the poses that the characters have are strong and exciting.

Second is Fathom Kiani, the illustrations by Marcus To are beautiful and the character designs are interesting and fresh to look at.

I also bought the art of Marc Silvertri. He drew a lot of Top Cow comics like Witchblade, and I must say this book is a real must-have. The art is amazing and his sketch work has a lot to show. It's great to have. The last book is another art book by Steve Fastner and Rich Larson; it has interestinf fantasy art and good poses.


So I made a Deviant Art Account. Some of the pictures there are the same as here and some are new. Check it out here:


Sketchy Horse

Here is a horse animation I made during the weekend. I wanted to work more on four-legged walk cycles, so why not a horse? Of course!


More animation

Here is an animation exercise I did some time back that I decided to post up now. Just a simple exercise to show shaking.


SVA Dustys '09

I just went to my college's festival for student films and I had to say it was fun, especially seeing what everyone else had to show. All that's left now is graduation and senior week!

For a full showcase of the films with the names of the animators that were shown go here:

Congratulations to everyone!


ASIFA East Festival

On May 3rd I went to check out the 40th Annual ASIFA East festival. It was a lot of fun and I met a lot of talented artists. I had a good time and I am planning to go to the panel meeting tonight at SVA.
Aside from this I have still been busy finishing up school and now it is time for job hunting. Of course I will continue to work on my own art as well, so stay tuned!


College Thesis

I was busy all year thinking of a thesis and then finally working on it. I finished and just added it to youtube last week. I'm happy it's done.