

So I made a Deviant Art Account. Some of the pictures there are the same as here and some are new. Check it out here:


Sketchy Horse

Here is a horse animation I made during the weekend. I wanted to work more on four-legged walk cycles, so why not a horse? Of course!


More animation

Here is an animation exercise I did some time back that I decided to post up now. Just a simple exercise to show shaking.


SVA Dustys '09

I just went to my college's festival for student films and I had to say it was fun, especially seeing what everyone else had to show. All that's left now is graduation and senior week!

For a full showcase of the films with the names of the animators that were shown go here:

Congratulations to everyone!


ASIFA East Festival

On May 3rd I went to check out the 40th Annual ASIFA East festival. It was a lot of fun and I met a lot of talented artists. I had a good time and I am planning to go to the panel meeting tonight at SVA.
Aside from this I have still been busy finishing up school and now it is time for job hunting. Of course I will continue to work on my own art as well, so stay tuned!